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Found 88 items.
Future climate change in the Mediterranean area: implications for water use and weed management
1597PDF: 614HTML: 1127 -
Trace element accumulation and distribution in sunflower plants at the stages of flower bud and maturity
3330PDF: 1380HTML: 1643 -
Assessment of management of a golf course by means of sustainability indicators
2329PDF: 1020HTML: 566 -
Conservation and pastoral value of former arable lands in the agro-pastoral system of the Alta Murgia National Park (Southern Italy)
1991PDF: 728APPENDIX: 272HTML: 724 -
Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go?
7527HTML: 856PDF: 1774Appendix: 187 -
Acetic acid disturbs rice germination and post-germination under controlled conditions mimicking green mulching in flooded paddy
1216PDF: 471Appendix: 196HTML: 80 -
Differential gas exchange and soil microclimate dynamics under biodegradable plastic, polyethylene, and paper mulches
1129PDF: 626Appendix: 266HTML: 209 -
Nitrogen fertilization and root growth dynamics of durum wheat for a sustainable production
2180PDF: 667HTML: 950 -
Soil refinement accelerates in-field degradation rates of soil-biodegradable mulch films
831PDF: 677Appendix: 260HTML: 213 -
Mitigating the impact of soil salinity: recent developments and future strategies
2363PDF: 1192HTML: 280 -
Ethics, sustainability and logistics in agricultural and agri-food economics research
3871PDF: 1483HTML: 1836 -
Conservation tillage in a semiarid Mediterranean environment: results of 20 years of research
4859PDF: 1377HTML: 883 -
Determinants of barley grain yield in drought-prone Mediterranean environments
3259PDF: 1037HTML: 475 -
Water saving strategies assessment on processing tomato cultivated in Mediterranean region
2318PDF: 1031HTML: 694 -
The role of the seed sector in Italy for a modern and competitive agriculture
2384PDF: 953HTML: 1280 -