Search Results
Found 108 items.
Soil degradation processes in the Italian agricultural and forest ecosystems
7215PDF: 1617HTML: 3596 -
Environmental effectiveness of GAEC cross-compliance Standard 1.1a (temporary ditches) and 1.2g (permanent grass cover of set-aside) in reducing soil erosion and economic evaluation of the competitiveness gap for farmers
1150Article - Italian: 525Article - English: 427Technical Report: 387 -
Methods and tools for developing virtual territories for scenario analysis of agro-ecosystems
1954PDF: 611HTML: 489 -
Biodiversity in vegetable crops, a heritage to save: the case of Puglia region
6268PDF: 2067HTML: 5726 -
Assessment of management of a golf course by means of sustainability indicators
2334PDF: 1024HTML: 566 -
Research for the innovation of the agri-food system in international cooperation
3914PDF: 1141HTML: 739 -
A review of crop frost damage models and their potential application to cover crops
1182PDF: 499Appendix: 79HTML: 60 -
Application of EPIC model to assess climate change impact on sorghum in southern Italy
2005PDF: 584HTML: 1960 -
Environmental effectiveness of GAEC cross-compliance standard 1.1c ‘Maintenance of farm channel networks and field convexity’ and economic evaluation of the competitiveness gap for farmers
996Article - Italian: 459Article - English: 429Technical Report: 826 -
Conservation and pastoral value of former arable lands in the agro-pastoral system of the Alta Murgia National Park (Southern Italy)
1992PDF: 729APPENDIX: 272HTML: 724 -
Management of crop residues to improve quality traits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruits
1701PDF: 1010HTML: 489