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Found 76 items.
Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go?
7527HTML: 856PDF: 1774Appendix: 187 -
Evaluation of the mulch films biodegradation in soil: A methodological review
2744PDF: 1311HTML: 565 -
Dynamics of agricultural land systems in western Mediterranean areas: a clustering approach based on the self-organizing map
571PDF: 474Supplementary Material: 138HTML: 99 -
Conservation and pastoral value of former arable lands in the agro-pastoral system of the Alta Murgia National Park (Southern Italy)
1991PDF: 728APPENDIX: 272HTML: 724 -
A scoping review of side-dress nitrogen recommendation systems and their perspectives in precision agriculture
1072PDF: 558Appendix: 82HTML: 24 -
Biodiversity in vegetable crops, a heritage to save: the case of Puglia region
6263PDF: 2067HTML: 5726 -
Co-designing a method to assess agroecological transitions: results of a case study in Senegal
986PDF: 690Supplementary Material: 147HTML: 80 -
Energy balance of five fodder cropping systems in the irrigated lowlands of Northern Italy
2533PDF: 572HTML: 699 -
Agronomic evaluation of a Chinese camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] cultivar in multiple semi-arid locations of northern China
720PDF: 373Appendix: 65HTML: 20 -
Indicators of agricultural intensity and intensification: a review of the literature
5195PDF: 1494HTML: 3654 -
The role of the seed sector in Italy for a modern and competitive agriculture
2384PDF: 953HTML: 1280 -