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Found 94 items.
Plant growth-promoting bacteria isolated from sugarcane improve the survival of micropropagated plants during acclimatisation
1152PDF: 518Appendix: 61HTML: 14 -
Evaluation of the nitrate and nitrite content of vegetables commonly grown in Slovenia
3049PDF: 1136HTML: 2564 -
Research for the innovation of the agri-food system in international cooperation
3914PDF: 1141HTML: 739 -
Use of technical and economical parameters for evaluating dairy cow ration efficiency
2365PDF: 923Supplementary: 270HTML: 1193 -
The effects of salt and drought stress on phenolic accumulation in greenhouse-grown Hypericum pruinatum
3485PDF: 1205HTML: 1704 -
Future climate change in the Mediterranean area: implications for water use and weed management
1597PDF: 615HTML: 1127 -
The response mechanism of the HVA1 gene in hulless barley under drought stress
1285PDF: 642HTML: 328 -
Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems
2318PDF: 1258HTML: 438 -
Dynamical and statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature in a Mediterranean area
1855PDF: 594HTML: 2321 -
A three-stage approach for co-designing diversified cropping systems with farmers: the case study of lentil-wheat intercropping
776PDF: 590Supplementary Material: 141HTML: 102 -
Double row spacing and drip irrigation as technical options in energy sorghum management
3360PDF: 828HTML: 1067 -
The impact of climate change on the productivity of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) under three different socio-economic pathways
1376PDF: 507Appendix: 71HTML: 48 -
Bayesian models of thermal and pluviometric time series in the Fucino plateau
1371PDF: 373Supplementary: 250HTML: 844Supplementary Tables: 0 -
Multi-agent agro-economic simulation of irrigation water demand with climate services for climate change adaptation
4132PDF: 951Annex 1: 212HTML: 2458 -
Impact of long-term (1764-2017) air temperature on phenology of cereals and vines in two locations of northern Italy
779PDF: 328Appendix: 64HTML: 48 -
Potential of biofertilisers to improve performance of local genotype tomatoes
1920PDF: 756HTML: 312 -
Trace element accumulation and distribution in sunflower plants at the stages of flower bud and maturity
3330PDF: 1380HTML: 1643