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Found 24 items.
Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go?
7526HTML: 856PDF: 1774Appendix: 187 -
Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems
2313PDF: 1256HTML: 438 -
Crop response to soils amended with biochar: expected benefits and unintended risks
2925PDF: 1272APPENDIX: 221HTML: 1343 -
Evaluation of the environmental impacts of suckler calf-to-beef mixed crop-livestock farms in northern Italy: A farm-based study
897PDF: 401Appendix: 64HTML: 41 -
Medium-term effect of perennial energy crops on soil organic carbon storage
1977PDF: 685HTML: 1066 -
Differential gas exchange and soil microclimate dynamics under biodegradable plastic, polyethylene, and paper mulches
1129PDF: 626Appendix: 266HTML: 209 -
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mass balances in an irrigated quinoa field
1741PDF: 595HTML: 74 -
1 - 24 of 24 items