Search Results
Found 26 items.
Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems
2316PDF: 1257HTML: 438 -
Comparison of olive pomace and biowaste composts in a vegetable cropping system
3206PDF: 712HTML: 479 -
Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go?
7537HTML: 857PDF: 1776Appendix: 187 -
Conservation tillage in a semiarid Mediterranean environment: results of 20 years of research
4859PDF: 1377HTML: 883 -
Durum wheat salt stress tolerance is modulated by the interaction between plant genotypes, soil microbial biomass, and enzyme activity
1042PDF: 520Appendix: 78HTML: 18 -
Comparing physical quality of tilled and no-tilled soils in an almond orchard in southern Italy
3376PDF: 904HTML: 828 -
1 - 26 of 26 items