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Found 168 items.
A scoping review of side-dress nitrogen recommendation systems and their perspectives in precision agriculture
1072PDF: 559Appendix: 82HTML: 24 -
Comparison of olive pomace and biowaste composts in a vegetable cropping system
3206PDF: 712HTML: 479 -
Nitrogen fertilization and root growth dynamics of durum wheat for a sustainable production
2182PDF: 667HTML: 950 -
Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems
2315PDF: 1257HTML: 438 -
Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go?
7536HTML: 857PDF: 1776Appendix: 187 -
Soil refinement accelerates in-field degradation rates of soil-biodegradable mulch films
832PDF: 678Appendix: 260HTML: 213 -
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mass balances in an irrigated quinoa field
1741PDF: 595HTML: 74 -
MiniCSS: a software application to optimize crop irrigation and nitrogen fertilization strategies
1423PDF: 427HTML: 1439 -
Medium-term effect of perennial energy crops on soil organic carbon storage
1979PDF: 685HTML: 1066 -
Allelopathic cover crop of rye for integrated weed control in sustainable agroecosystems
5189PDF: 1510HTML: 1064 -
Durum wheat salt stress tolerance is modulated by the interaction between plant genotypes, soil microbial biomass, and enzyme activity
1041PDF: 520Appendix: 78HTML: 18 -
Conservation tillage in a semiarid Mediterranean environment: results of 20 years of research
4859PDF: 1377HTML: 883 -
Plant growth-promoting bacteria isolated from sugarcane improve the survival of micropropagated plants during acclimatisation
1152PDF: 518Appendix: 61HTML: 14