Search Results
Found 52 items.
Assessing the potential of INFFER to improve management of agro-environmental assets in Tuscany
2987PDF: 833HTML: 331 -
Dynamics of agricultural land systems in western Mediterranean areas: a clustering approach based on the self-organizing map
589PDF: 482Supplementary Material: 138HTML: 99 -
Diachronic analysis of farmers' strategies within a protected area of central Italy
1141PDF: 486HTML: 849 -
Preliminary studies on productivity of white Pleurotus eryngii isolates in protected cultivation
2833PDF: 772HTML: 1122 -
Biodiversity in vegetable crops, a heritage to save: the case of Puglia region
6301PDF: 2089HTML: 5730 -
Conservation and pastoral value of former arable lands in the agro-pastoral system of the Alta Murgia National Park (Southern Italy)
2018PDF: 731APPENDIX: 274HTML: 727 -
Wild geophytes of ornamental interest in the native flora of southern Italy
2234PDF: 1438HTML: 1010 -
Molecular identification and artificial cultivation of a wild isolate of oyster mushroom in Albania
2130PDF: 892HTML: 1313 -
Adoption of biodegradable mulching films in agriculture: is there a negative prejudice towards materials derived from organic wastes?
2672PDF: 1170Appendix: 273HTML: 1513 -
A multi-adaptive framework for the crop choice in paludicultural cropping systems
3666PDF: 1308HTML: 677 -
Determining the utility of an unmanned ground vehicle for weed control in specialty crop systems
2101PDF: 720HTML: 235 -
The role of the seed sector in Italy for a modern and competitive agriculture
2412PDF: 959HTML: 1280 -
Crop response to soils amended with biochar: expected benefits and unintended risks
2941PDF: 1277APPENDIX: 224HTML: 1347 -
Salinity tolerance evaluation of barley germplasm for marginal soil utilization
989PDF: 402Appendix: 104HTML: 64 -
The shikimic acid: an important metabolite for the Aglianico del Vulture wines
1987PDF: 662HTML: 500 -
Optimising the use of plastic protective covers in field grown melon on a farm scale
3746PDF: 912HTML: 534 -
Durum wheat salt stress tolerance is modulated by the interaction between plant genotypes, soil microbial biomass, and enzyme activity
1071PDF: 538Appendix: 78HTML: 18 -